The Time Gallery
We introduce you to geological time and explain how we can date rocks. A time line runs up the stairs to give you an idea of the vastness of geological time and to show how insignificant man is.

The Fossil Collection
This is a spectacular display of the local Jurassic marine fossils ranging from the tiniest microfossil to the largest Ichthyosaur and most things in between.

The Natural History Room
A collection of present day shells, skeletons and taxidermy to try and show you how present day life if related to what we see in the fossil collection.
Who are we...
Dinosaurland Fossil Museum is a private museum which is owned and run by Palaeontologist Steve Davies and his wife Jenny. The museum contains a spectacular collection of the local Jurassic marine fossils. The collection grows each year and is now probably the best fossil collection on public display in SW England.
It is a traditional museum using the beauty and majesty of more than 16,000 specimens to show people just how exciting and wonderful the world of fossils and dinosaurs really is.
The Mary Anning Connection
Discover the close links with the pioneering fossil hunter Mary Anning.
Fossil Hunting
During the Early Jurassic, 200 million years ago, what is now Britain was positioned at a latitude of about 30 degrees North.
Visit Us
From our opening times to where the best place is to park during your visit. Find out everything you need to know about your visit.